Magickal Timing
There are a number of things that can be taken into account when
it comes to timing your magick. What follows is a brief
description of some aspects that may be important or useful. If
you don’t want to do any of these you don’t have to. Magick and
magickal practice is often very personal and people work with
what they know works for them.
Moon Phases
Moon phases are a common way of working out when to do a spell,
and can be used with the planetary day or hour if desired. The
moon’s cycle lasts 28 days, because that’s how long it takes to
orbit the earth. The moon has no natural light; the light we see
is reflected from the sun. However, the earth is orbiting the
sun, and the moon is orbiting the earth causing shadows over
parts of the moon. As a result there is only one day in this
cycle that the full ‘face’ of the moon is reflecting (full moon)
and there is also one day of the month when none of the moon can
be seen (new or black moon). This is what causes the moon
phases. | | |
Generally speaking if you wish to do a spell that requires
growth, or development then it is best to do it when the moon is
Waxing (i.e. between dark moon and full moon when the portion of
the moon that is visible is increasing). An example of this sort
or spell would be a money spell or a spell to aid learning etc.
If the spell you wish to perform involves destruction or
lessening then it is best to do it when the moon is waning (i.e.
between full moon and dark moon, when the portion of the moon
that is visible is lessening). An example of this sort of spell
would be a spell to end a relationship or to destroy a disease
or something. The full moon is often associated with love,
friendship, relationships and with completeness. It is also
associated with Motherhood, so any spells that involve those
sort of things should be done at full moon, while the black moon
is associated with death and regeneration,
secrecy, dark arts
etc. This is a good time to work with past lives, to raise the
dead, to perform exorcises and to do curses.
In some forms of paganism the moon phases are attributed to the
different aspects of the goddess, Maiden, Mother and Crone,
maiden being the waxing moon, mother being the full moon and the
crone being the waning moon. The black moon is associated with
the dark goddess who rules over death and the underworld, as
well as secrecy, seeds, orgasms, etc. anything that is internal
or hidden. These are often transposed onto times of the year and
the festivals that take place there. The maiden being spring,
the mother being summer, the crone being autumn and winter and
the dark goddess being the depths of winter when everything is
dead, though I see her as always being around to be honest.
Obviously these timings have religious roots and would not be
applicable to people who don’t follow those religions
DARK MOON - divination, astral travel, seeking the wisdom
of the Dark Goddess, arcane knowledge
WAXING MOON - beginnings, increase, growth, health,
healing, purification, psychic awareness, beauty, fertility, and
positive magick.
FULL MOON - all positive magick, increase, growth,
protection, love, healing, purification, psychic awareness,
money, travel, obtaining.
WANING MOON - decrease, removal of problems, banishment
of habits and addictions, disease, negative thoughts, jealousy,
guilt, hurts, changes from old to new.
LUNAR ECLIPSES are dramatic moments both for their observers
as well as for magicians. In the past, magicians were urged not
to perform magick during eclipses. Today, many natural magicians
use the suggestive power of an eclipse to fuel spells involving
banishments, including the destruction of disease. These have
been some timing suggestions. Let them be guides, not shackles!
Time of Day
SUNRISE - time
for rituals purification, business, success, study, employment,
breaking addictions, travel releasing guilt and jealousy,
healing disease, the conscious mind.
time for sunrise rituals as well as those involving magical and
physical energy and strength, protection, money and courage.
rituals involving breaking addictions, weight loss, banishing
misery and pain, transforming anguish and negative habits.
time for beauty, dreams, psychic dreams, psychic awareness,
spirituality, sleep, sex, purification, love, friendships,
peace, releasing stress, healing wounds.
LIGHTNING STORMS are periods of intense energy. Rituals
done during storms will be empowered by them, and may prove to
be more effective. Protection rituals are ideal at these times.
RAINSTORMS are fine for purification, love, compassion,
friendship, beauty rituals, & releasing guilt & jealousy.
SNOWSTORMS are the time for gentle magick, purification,
& stilling emotions. release unrequited love.
HEAVY WINDS empower rites designed to break addictions,
assist study, & travel spells.
SEARING HOT DAY charge rites of protection, courage, &
use the wind to add strength to your spells. If you find that
one day the wind happens to be blowing in a certain direction,
you may find a way to use that influence. Figuring out which way
the wind's blowing from is as easy as getting a windsock and
weathervane or a compass.
When the wind blows from the north, the
appropriate spell work might be those things that deal with
practical matters, such as money or level headedness or
When the wind blows from the east, the appropriate spell
work might be those things involving change and rejuvenation,
and catalytic spells, as well as artistic and spiritual
When the wind blows from the south, the appropriate spell
work deals with the passionate world and any spells that have to
do with emotion at all.
When the wind blows from the west, the appropriate spell
work has to do with healing and fertility (both literal and
figurative), as well as matters having to do with intuition.
The powerful effects of the seasons can also, according to some
Earth magicians, subtly affect magickal workings. Traditionally,
these types of magick are performed during these seasons:
SPRING is a time for healing; purification spring
cleaning is one survival of this); psychic awareness; paying
bills; fertility; planting magickal gardens; & ecological
rituals. Air magick.
SUMMER is a time for love, marriage, friendship, beauty,
protection, courage, magickal energy, physical energy, &
strength. Fire magick.
AUTUMN is a time for money, employment, new possessions
(including cars & homes). Water magick.
WINTER is a time for banishments of disease, habits
& addictions, seeking past lives. This is a time for
introspection, meditation, reading, & magickal exercises
designed to renew the magician for the coming spring. Earth
January: Safety, passages, protection
February: Well-being, forgiveness, restitution
March: Success, excellence, winning fights
April: Luck, openings, youthful energy
May: Development, advancement, Earth magick
June: Dedication, constancy, love
July: Authority, dignity, self-regulation
August: Peace, accord, symmetry
September: Spiritual attainment, understanding
October: Growth, positive change
November: Psychism, perception, kindness
December: Wisdom, sensibility, discretion
The day
correspondences are as follows:
The easiest way of timing your spells is to work on the day that
corresponds to the magick you are planning on doing.
Monday = Moon
Tuesday = Mars
Wednesday = Mercury
Thursday = Jupiter
Friday = Venus
Saturday = Saturn
Sunday = Sun
Different planets tend to correspond to different sorts of
magick too, so you would pick your day depending on what you
were doing and the planet that influences it. The basic
correspondences are as follows:
Moon = Intuition, Astral Travel, Women’s cycles, Birth
and motherhood, Divination, Dreams, The Sea, Illusion (or
Glamour magick) etc.
Mars = Courage, Power, War, Male issues, Lust, Energy,
Revenge, Willpower, Discipline, Discord etc
Mercury= Communication, Business, Education, Employment,
Information, Exams, Logic, Science, Travel, Magick (the learning
and formal/scientific side of it) etc.
Jupiter = Career, Honor, Education, Philosophy, politics,
Religion, Law, Luck, Money, Authorities etc.
Venus = Love, Beauty, Art, Friendship, Pleasure, Lust,
Children, Relationships, Young women etc.
Saturn = Hardship, The Elderly, The Outdoors, Time,
Animals, Drama, Grieving, The Home, Money, The Old Religion,
Studying, Success, Property etc.
Sun = Peace, Power, Confidence, Friendship, Prosperity, Status,
Success etc.
As you can see there is some overlap with some topics, but each
planet has a general ‘feel’ about it and some topics are more
obviously attributed than others.
Planetary Hours
First, these very rarely are actually hours. This is a
method based around the basic principles of astrology. In
astrology the sky is divided up into 12’s. There are 12 signs of
the zodiac and 12 houses (portions of the sky). It is the
interplay of these plus the position of the planets which
astrologers use to predict the future and produce personality
birth charts. When using the planetary hours the times of
sunrise and sunset are necessary. These are often printed in
diaries, or failing that an ephemeris (a table showing the daily
movements of the sun moon and planets-you can get astronomical
or astrological ones) will often show it or tide charts etc.
First, you need to decide whether or not you are working during
the day or during the night. If you are working during the day
you need to add up how much time (it’s easier to work this out
in minutes) you have between sunrise and sunset. If you are
working at night you need to work out how much time you have
between sunset and sunrise. When calculating this it’s important
to remember that time works in 60’s there are 60 seconds in a
minute, 60 minutes in an hour and so on. Everything else in
mathematics works in tens. Once you’ve calculated this you need
to divide it by 12, this will give you the length of each
planetary hour for that day.
So for example, let’s say you wanted to work magick on the 22nd
of February 2002 during the daytime. The sun rises at 07.01 and
sets at 17.28. There are 10 full hours between sunrise and
sunset, so that’s 10*60=600. There are 27 minute’s left over so
you add this to that number making 627 minutes. Divide this by
12 and you get 52.25 minutes. That is the length of each
planetary hour for the daytime of February 22nd 2002. Needless
to say the length will alter very slightly day to day, during
the summer the planetary hours of the day will be long while
they will be short at night, and vice versa during the winter.
The next step is to work out what planet you want to work with
using the correspondences above. If you want to work with a
particular Deity or force they are often attributed to a
particular plant as well and so invoking them at a favorable
time might be a good idea. Once you have decided which planet to
work with the table below shows the order of the planetary hours
for each day. Remember that if you are working during the day
the first hour starts at sunrise and continues for the duration
of that day’s hour, and at night the first starts at sunset and
follows the same principle.
Hours |
Sun |
Mon |
Tues |
Wed |
Thurs |
Fri |
Sat |
1 |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
2 |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
3 |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
4 |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
5 |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
6 |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
7 |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
8 |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
9 |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
10 |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
11 |
Moon |
Venus |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
Saturn |
Sun |
12 |
Saturn |
Sun |
Moon |
Mars |
Merc. |
Jupiter |
Venus |
If you wanted to perform a long running spell, you could begin
it in one hour and finish it in another, either in the same day
or another day, (though if you want to finish it the same day,
make sure there are 2 planetary hours for that planet on the day
you wish to work). If you wanted to take this further you could
apply further principles of astronomy to it. If you wish to work
with, say, the planet Venus, but it is badly aspected or running
retrograde (backwards) on the day or time you wish to work, it
would be a good idea to wait until it is in a better position.
However generally only people with a good knowledge of astronomy
and an Ephemeris would choose to take this into consideration.
If you wanted to work during the day, with the Moon on the 22nd
of February 2002, you work it out as follows. We’ve already
calculated that each planetary hour last for 52.25 minutes. In
this case it doesn’t get too complicated because 0.25 is a
quarter, so each hour is 52 minutes and 15 seconds long. The
moon is the 4th hour of the day, starting 3 planetary hours
after sunrise. So sunrise was at 07.01, 52.25*3 = 156.75 or 156
minutes and 45 seconds so the moon hour start 156.75 minutes
after sunrise which works out at 09.47 and 45 seconds, the moon
hour will finish 52.25 minutes later which is 10.40. To be
honest seconds don’t really matter unless you’re being REALLY
pedantic, if you’re not counting seconds it will actually finish
at 10.39 because the extra minute comes from adding the seconds
together-however, over the course of a 12 hour period you will
end up with 3 ‘spare’ minutes at the end if seconds are not
taken into consideration.