Herbal Properties
**Herbal uses and enchantments can be found at the
bottom of this page.
Acorns: sacred to The Druids, Diana,
Pan, The Celts, Artemis and Zeus. Acorns are used to invoke the
Protection of the Gods, for Luck, Potency, Strength, and a Long
Life. Acorns are used for Male Fertility and Virility
Ague Weed:
a protection herb. Also called "Boneset".
acts as a deflective shield; sends back bad vibrations
Ales Hoof: Ales
Hoof is used for Luck and in Divination Magic
Angelica: highly
protective. It
is ruled by Venus. It is affiliated with the Sun and Solar
Magic. Angelica is useful in Magick dealing with the elements of
both Air and Fire. Angelica is Masculine by nature. It is
sacred to Atlantis, Sophia, and Venus. Carrying Angelica with
you is Powerful Protection from Evil, Spells cast against you,
and Enchantments.
Angel Wings: Wishes and Calling Upon the
Powers and Aid of The Seven Arch Angels
Raises vibrations to the highest possible psychic level. Good
for bringing about changes in attitude (re-focusing), for astral
travel, dreams, crystal gazing and meditation. In a pillow, it
is said to keep away nightmares. For any type of clairvoyance or
divination or mental exercises. Anise is ruled by Jupiter and
the element of Air. It Averts the Evil Eye, is used for
Protection, guarding against Nightmares, and the seeds are burnt
as an incense to call forth Magical Aid.
blossoms: for love. Delicate, faintly seductive. More of
an Invitation than a Proposition. Also used for peace and
general contentment. Used for success. Add to the bath to aid
relaxation. Also used for fertility
Ash Bark: Very protective, cleansing and refocusing. It is ruled by the Sun thus
being affiliated with Solar workings. It's ruling element is
Fire. Ash is sacred to Odin and The Goddess. The Ash Tree offers
aid in Invincibility over those who might Threaten You. It
offers Protection from Negative Faery Magic and their Glamour
spells. The Ash is used in rituals dealing with the sea, ocean,
or large bodies of water which flow into the ocean as it is
sacred to Poseidon
one of the strongest protection herbs (also the stinkiest!) .
Burned to drive away evil and destroy manifestations. Used for
exorcism and purification.
for success in money matters. Used for money drawing and to
insure against poverty. A traditional "luck" herb. Not powerful
enough to be used alone, this herb "plays well with others"
helping to reinforce other luck and money herbs while adding a
bit of protective insurance.
a catalyst. Works on higher planes for good or evil. Tends to
affect the mind and thoughts of the person on whom it's used,
for instance luck or success in the form of a brainstorm.
Frequently employed in luck, love and psychic areas; also good
for money and general success.
(marshmallow root) mild and gently commanding. More of a
"persuasion" herb. Burned in combination with other herbs, for
example w/ roses and apple blossoms for a subtly forceful love
incense. Said to be a particular favorite of "nice" spirits.
Angelica: protection. Carry as an amulet. Also used in exorcism.
Brewed into a tea and sprinkled in the corners of a house to
keep evil away. Highly protective, can be used at the beginning
and closing of rituals for blessing and banishing. Also called
brings luck through intuition.
for success in financial matters
Balm of Gilead:
Highly protective power herb, especially in love matters. Energizing and grounding at the
same time. The plant is ruled by both
Venus and Jupiter as well as the elements of Water and Fire.
They are especially useful in magic affecting New Loves, Mending
a broken Heart, Strength, Inspiration, Knowledge, Manifestation,
Comfort to those who have lost loves, and Encourages Estranged
Lovers to reconcile their differences.
Barberry Brambles: used for hexing. Brings bitterness, sourness.
Sprinkled around the premises to bring bad vibes and quarrels.
On the flip side, it is used with Vetivert and Bay leaves to
protect against bitterness - but that's risky. Said to work for
good grudgingly and delights in hexing. The berries are used for
Prosperity Spells. The thorny brambles are placed in Witches
Bottles to snare and snag any harmful magic, thus providing
Bayberry: very powerful for hexing when combined with other hexing
herbs. Casts a gloomy depression. Conversely it is also used
for money and prosperity - especially collecting money that is
owed. Often used as an Attraction oil for men.
Basil: for money and
success. Soak in water for 3 days, then sprinkle about a place
of business. Also used for purification and protection and to
remove obstacles in love and create harmony. Dispels melancholy
and attracts friends. Its magical attributes
include Protection and Exorcism from both Outer and Inner Forces
and can help in the guarding of one's fate from ill meaning
Spirits, especially Faeries. It has long been used in Love
Spells and to bring Harmony into a disturbed relationship. It's
use in Psychic Development and Clairvoyance is also well known
powerfully protective - even when used alone. Also a power and
commanding herb. Used for banishing. In some traditions, used
for hexing. Combined with other herbs for love and money
rituals. Burned to induce visions. The leaves are put under a
pillow for inspiration and prophetic dreams. It
is ruled by the Sun and Jupiter and the element of Fire. They
are sacred to Apollo and Ceres. They are used for Protection,
Purification, Healing, Wisdom and Clairvoyance.
added to other herbs to focus their energies and lend power.
Used for communication and improving the thought processes.
Combine with cinnamon for business success. Also used for
purification. Can be added to an incense to heighten its
effectiveness. Never add to hexing herbs! Benzoin is ruled by the Sun and
Mars. It's elemental correspondents being Air and Fire. It is
sacred to Aphrodite, Aries, Freya and Venus. Benzoin is
used for Purification, Prosperity, and Consecration. It is a
common component of Incense making.
Bergamot: protection
and prosperity. Brings luck through intuition. Used with other
herbs to bring psychic and prophetic dreams. It is ruled by Jupiter
and it's elemental correspondence is the Earth. It is used in
order to Draw Money to you, Said to Repel Illness, Enhance Love,
Healing, and Success.
for banishing and removing negative energy.
for binding another. It smothers the intentions of others.
Used in both hexing and protection.
Birch Bark: In addition to renewal,
new beginnings and ideas, use the Bark for Protection,
Purification, and a Peaceful Sleep. Birch Bark is used to write
Magical Incantations on. The Bark can also be used in paper
making to enhance it's magical qualities.
used for fertility (often carried to help conceive a child) Also
used for money drawing when combined with Juniper and Allspice.
Also good for divination.
Black Walnut Hull: It is ruled by the Sun and the
element of Fire. It is sacred to Persephone, Hecate, Diana,
Jupiter and Artemis. Black Walnuts hulls are good for
Prosperity and Creativity. They may be cooked down in to a
liquid for a preparing magical ink to be used for Breaking,
Inspiration, and Prosperity Spells. They are also good for
Wishing Spells.
Blessed Thistle: Blessed Thistle is ruled by the
Moon and Mars. It's elemental alliance being Earth and Fire. It
is sacred to the Great Mother and Pan. It is used for
Purification, Motherhood, Hex Breaking, Poppet Magic, and
Protective and associated w/ treachery and deception. It does
not return the treachery - just keeps it from reaching you.
lends courage, uncovers dishonesty and helps conquer a situation
Broom Tops:
purification, protection, to raise and calm winds. Throw into
the air to raise the wind; burn the herb to calm them. Also
boiled in salt water and used to keep poltergeists and evil
spirits away.
Calamus Root: Calamus
increases Sensitivity, Enhances Awareness, Harmony and Desire. a controlling
herb, powerful enough to be used alone or in combination with
other herbs. Use to control a person or situation.
Calendula Petals: (Marigold) It is ruled by
the Sun, thus the name Bride of the Sun and is allied with the
Fire Elementals. Calendula can be used in Faery Magic. It will
lend you the ability to improve your Psychic Awareness and if
placed beneath your pillow can lead to Prophetic Dreams.
Calendula is also useful in Legal Matters and those of
Protection. Induces
dreams. Used for legal difficulties and for money. Has a mild,
gentle action. Add to the bath to win admiration and respect
from others.
blossoms: bring honesty
excellent for luck, prosperity, money and gambling. (Wash your
hands with the tea before playing cards.) Calms the nerves and
gives energy in adversity. Often used in Uncrossing formulas.
Caraway Seeds:
protective, particularly in the area of health. In love - is
said to attract a lover (in the physical sense) and cure
fickleness. Also used to strengthen the memory.
protection and spicy energy. Add to a Power incense or toss into
a formula where you want to "spice" things up a bit.
to totally cleanse and banish. Used to ward off unwanted
advances from others, in healing and to stimulate psychic
senses. Camphor Awakens Past Life
Memories, Stimulates Psychic Awareness, Health and Divination.
a love herb, used for Romance. Has some commanding and
compelling properties in the area of love. Also acts as a
catalyst to other herbs. Cardamom promotes Lust, Love,
Clarity and Joy. It Stimulates the heart and mind.
Carnation Flowers: The Carnation is Masculine and
stands for Courage. The Sun is it's ruler. Fire is it's element
correspondence. Carnations are sacred to Jupiter. Carnation will
lend itself well in Love and Protection Spells, Strength,
healing of the Heart and Vitality. They are also used for Self
Esteem problems.
Cat Nip: It
is ruled by Venus and it's elemental ruler is that of Water. It
is sacred to the two cat Goddesses of Egypt, Bast and Sekhmet.
It is used for Cat Magic, Health, Beauty, Happiness, Attracts
Good Spirits, Celebration, Love, and Luck.
Cedar Needles: As the Sun is it's ruler and
Mercury is it's planetary master. The Cedar has an affinity for
both Air and Fire making it a sacred wood for magical fires and
incense. It is held sacred by Ra, Isis, Jupiter, Odin, Osiris,
Pan and Poseidon. Cedar Needles are used in Witches
Bottles for the purpose of Wealth and Material Abundance as
well. psychic and
protective. Has a way of keeping psychic channels open while
protecting the operator.
Chamomile Flowers: It is ruled by the Sun
and Mercury. Chamomile is Masculine by nature. It's elemental
ruler is Water. It is sacred to Mercury, Ra and the Sun Gods.
Chamomile is used in Faery Magic. Use Chamomile in Dream Work,
Prosperity Spells, Magical Purification of objects, Luck,
Meditation, and Love.
Chaste Tree Berries: Used in Moon Magicks, Rituals
and Drawing Down the Moon
Blossoms: cheerfulness, light heartedness and good humor.
Associated with honesty. Good for concentration in study.
Chestnut Hulls: They are ruled by Jupiter and
the element of Fire. Chestnut Hulls are used for Love,
Protection, Used in Witches Bottles, Healing, Lunar Magic and
Chicory Root: It is Masculine by nature
and ruled by the Sun and the element of Air. Chicory is said to
grant the ability of Invisibility and Remove Obstacles.
Cinnamon: a catalyst
that doesn't mind baneful recipes. Used in money drawing, for
concentration and spells for love and passion . Sometimes used
in healing or clairvoyance. It is ruled by the Sun
and the element of Fire. It is
sacred to Aphrodite, Helios, Mercury, Hermes, Ra and Venus.
Cinnamon is used for Love, Lust, Psychic and Spiritual
Awareness, Healing, Wisdom, Prosperity, Success and Raises
Vibration Levels of the user and their atmosphere.
(Five Finger Grass) Old standby for money spells. In fact,
most money incenses don't seem to work as well without it.
Combined w/ soot, it has been used for hexing. It has also been
used for protecting. Often used as a bath herb toward this
purpose. Works better for protecting against negative influences
than removing them. Cinquefoil is ruled by both Mercury
and Jupiter. It's element is that of Fire. It is especially
sacred to Jupiter and The Great Mother Goddess. Removal of
Hexes, Safe Travel, Healing, and the Warding off Negative
Forces. It lends itself well for Wealth and Money Magic as well
as enabling Prophetic Sleep. For this reason it is used to
Protect One's Self in dream time when working with Otherworldly
Clove Buds:
a strong, forceful, compelling herb. Commanding. Acts as a
catalyst when combined with other herbs. Used when force or
power is required. Cloves
are ruled by Jupiter and the Sun. Their elemental correspondence
being of Fire. Magically cloves are used for Love, Protection,
Exorcism, Prosperity, Repelling Negative Influences and Mental
Clover Tops and Leaves: The Clover is Masculine, ruled
by Mercury and aligned with the Air element. Clover is sacred to
Artemis, Rowan, Diana and The Triple Goddess. Under the favor of
the Triple Goddess it is especially good for Protection,
Exorcism, and the Breaking of Faery Spells and Human Hexes,
Psychic Sight and Powers.
used for love, yet Very protective in these matters. Good for
people who want a somebody, but aren't sure who. Added to
Perfect Mate recipes. Works for slow, steadily developing
Costmary: Used
in Goddess Rituals, Placed in books to repel Silver Fish, Calms
the Mind and Emotions, Peace, Purification and Psychic
Cowslips: They are Feminine by nature,
ruled by Venus and the element of Water. They are sacred to
Freya. In Norse mythology the flower was dedicated to
Freya. They have a great affinity with the Faery. Cowslips are
used in Faery Magic as they are considered quite helpful in
finding Faery treasures. Their odor is said to be healing.
They are associated with the Beltane Sabbat, for they are burnt
on May Day to drive away Mischievous Faeries.
attracts peace & tranquility when sprinkled across doorways each
Sunday before noon. Used also to control infidelity and in this
way has a gently binding effect. It is used in magick for
Fidelity, Protection and Exorcism.
Damiana: Damiana
is ruled by Mars and the element of Fire. It is sacred to Pan
and Oshun. It is used for Love, Lust and Visions.
Dandelion: They
are ruled by Jupiter and the Sun and are Masculine. Their
elemental correspondence being of both Fire and Air. The
Dandelion is scared to Hecate. Dandelions are used for
Divination, Wishes, and Calling Spirits. A cup of hot
Dandelion Root tea set by your bed will call spirits to you.
one of the most widely used psychic herbs, it is fragrant,
efficient and white magical in effect. Screens bad vibes.
Often used by homosexuals to attract others (combined with musk,
civet, ambergris and Echinacea)
Dill :
for love and protection. Often used to calm children. It's rule falls under Mercury,
it's ruling element is Fire. Dill is sacred to Bridget, Thoth,
and Mercury. It is used to protect children. It is also
used in Love and Lust Spells and those to bring one Prosperity.
swings both ways - it can be used to remove deception or
to create it, depending on which herbs you combine it with.
Dragon's Blood: Power,
Dragon Magicks and protection.
It is ruled by Mars and the element of Fire. Powerful Amplifier
and gives any magical working Extra Potency. It is used for
Potency, Love, Protection, and Exorcism. The resin is also used
in making magical inks.
Elder Flowers: a
commanding herb which influences others subtly. Also highly
protective. The Elder is ruled by the Moon
and Venus conjunctively and the element of Water. Elder is
sacred to The Triple Goddess, The White Goddess, Beloved of The
Elves, The Crone and The Goddess in Her Dark Aspect, as well as
Venus. It is used by Druids to bless and curse as well.
Lady Elder brings Wisdom, Joy and Delight to all who honor Her.
She may bestow the blessings of Healing, Protection and Self
Elecampane: for love
charms of all kinds. It is ruled by Mercury.
Elecampane elements are Fire and Air. It is used in Love Spells.
It may be burnt on charcoal for extra power in Divination and
Spiritual Quests. It may be carried in a charm pouch for bodily
or Physical Protection and to Attract well meaning Faeries.
Elm Leaves: The Elm is Feminine by nature.
It is ruled by Saturn and the element of Water. The Elm Tree is
sacred to Odin and The Elves. Attracts Love when carried
and gives Lightening Protection. It is said to stop slander and
highly protective in areas of health. Also used for
purification. It is ruled by Mars and
the Moon. It's elemental correspondence being Water. Eucalyptus
is used magically for Protection, Success, Dominion and Healing.
Eyebright: used for
clairvoyance and to see fairies.
Faery Apples: For
use in Faery Spells and to be left as a sweet treat for the
Faery at special festival times.
Fennel: a
controlling herb and also a "twisting" herb. Better for
removing hexes than protecting against them. It's action is
unpredictable. Use this when you want to effect a change in a
situation. It is Masculine by
nature, ruled by Mercury, and the element of Fire. Fennel is
sacred to the Anglo Saxons, Prometheus, and Dionysus. It Wards
Away Evil Spirits, Offers Strength, and Courage to the user.
a seed of the sun, used for all manner of luck and success
spells. It
is sacred to Apollo and The Triple Goddess. Used for Prosperity,
to Increase Purpose, Desire, as an Aphrodisiac, and to Promote
Youth, and Beauty.
associated with the male principle as Myrrh is associated with
the female principle. A mixture of both in an incense creates a
balance. It is a good "white" magical base to receive other
herbs or oils. Often used for protection or in money drawing
recipes. Long used as a divinatory offering, in consecration
and to raise the spiritual vibrations of a place. It aids in
meditation and is used to obtain blessings and general
prosperity. Frankincense is ruled by the
Sun with it's elemental correspondence being Fire. It is sacred
to Adonis, Apollo and Ra. Among it's ancient gifts are those of
Spirituality and Exorcism. It drives away negative influences
and hostile Faeries.
Frangipani: an
attraction or "drawing" herb. Use to bring things to you. Also
used to command trust and gain the confidence of others.
Fumitory: It
is Feminine by nature. It is ruled by Saturn and the element of
Earth. The smoke of Fumitory expels evil spirits while
protecting the spirit of the dead on their journey to the
Underworld. Fumitory Draws money to the home.
Grains of Paradise:
carry strong luck connotations.
Galangal: highly
versatile and only slightly less powerful that High John or
Jalap. Known as Low John, it action never proceeds in a
straight line, but takes on unexpected twists and turns. It
accomplishes its functions through devious means. Creates a
powerful force for affecting change and is often used in legal
basically a fiery catalyst but also used to induce passion. A
good catalyst to add to formulas for romantic love. Ginger is ruled by Mars. It's
elemental correspondence being that of Fire. It is sacred to
Mars. It is used for Love, Magical Success, Prosperity,
Inspiration, Dragon Attraction and Passion.
Geranium: used to lift
the spirits and banish negativity. Protection, love, healing
and fertility are all in the domain of this herb.
Hawthorne Berries: It is ruled by Mars and the
Moon. The element which rules it is that of Fire. It is sacred
to The Faeries, Flora, The White Goddess, and the Celtic.
The berries are called Pixie Pears and Cuckoo's Beads. They are
used in Faery Magic, for Wishing, the Maiden Aspect of the
Goddess, Purity, and Success in Working matters. used for
protection, purification and banishing. Some identified it as
"the tree of hope" and to the Romans it symbolized marriage.
Hawthorne Thornes: The
thorns may be added to Witches bottles for added protection and
warding off all evil. In candle magic rituals these thorns are
used to inscribe candles with magical symbols or writing before
they are dressed with oils. They may also be used to bind a
magical pouch or charm bag to the purpose for which it was
created furthering it's energy to that end alone. The Hawthorn
will lend success in all working matters.
Hazel Nuts: The Hazel is a sacred tree of
the Celtic groves. It represents Peace and Lovers, Wisdom,
Inspiration, Divination, Magick and Star Magicks. The nuts are
also used for fertility concerning females. Two twigs tied
together with red or gold thread to form a solar cross were used
for a good luck charm. Draw a circle around you with hazel if
in need of protection. Used for fertility and wisdom and in
divining rods for finding lost objects.
Heather: protects and
attract Faeries
Heliotrope: another sun
herb. Carries a vibration of luck. Attracts wealth and
protects against physical harm. Used in healing, clairvoyance
and finding lost objects.
Hemlock: one of the
foremost hexing agents. Added to any oil or incense to change
its meaning (for example to Luck oil to deny good luck)
Herb Robert: It is ruled by Venus. It
is sacred to The Faeries, particularly Robin Good Fellow and The
Goddess. The use of this plant in Faery spells. It is said
to repel snakes.
Hibiscus Petals: It is ruled by Venus and
the element of Water. It is sacred to Venus. Used for
Love, Lust, Divination, Removal of Obstacles, Realization of
Goals and Making Mantras Fruitful, Enhances Attention in
Meditation, and is Excellent for Astral Contact and Travel.
Hollyhock Flowers: Hollyhocks are ruled by the
Sun, Venus, and the element of Water. Holly Hocks are scared to
the Goddess Althea. They are often used to make Faery Potions to
gain sight of the Faeries. Use the dried blossoms as incense at
Lammas/ Lughnasadh.
Holly Leaves: Ruled
by Mars ad the element of Fire. Sacred to Druids. Supreme
Protection from Lightening, Poison, Evil Spirits, and
Mischievous Magic Workers, Dream Work, Protection, Divination
and Wishing at Yule, Protection against Evil Spirits, Poison,
Angry Elementals, Thunder and Lightning, Magickal Athame
Honey: binds and
attracts, seduces. Attracts Faery and is used as an
offering for them.
Honeysuckle: attracts
friends, business and instills confidence. Used for money,
prosperity and clairvoyance. Traditionally symbolizes the
"bonds of love" and is excellent when working on a problem of
infidelity. A potent and sneaky commanding oil - the iron fist
in the velvet glove. It
is ruled by the element of Earth and also by Jupiter. It is
Masculine by nature. The blossoms are often used to make Faery
potions. Amongst it's blessing are those of Fidelity,
Clairvoyance and Affection.
Hyacinth: used to
transmit on psychic planes a feeling of joy and playfulness.
Frequently used as a follow-up to uncrossing rituals to replace
negative vibes with positive ones. Attracts love, luck and
brings peace of mind and restful sleep.
Hyssop: anointing,
blessing, consecrating, protecting and purifying. It
is ruled by Jupiter and the element of Fire. Hyssop is used for
Protection, Healing, Banishing, and Purification. Mixed with
Nettles and /or Wood Betony it is a wonderful House Cleansing
smoke or can be hung in a pouch over the front door to reinforce
your other House Cleansing Rituals.
Irish moss: a success
herb w/ long term benefits. Slower in action but good for
secure and steady growth of prosperity.
Jasmine: essentially a
seduction herb. More sexual than romantic. Symbolizes the
mysteries of the night. Sometimes used for meditation, to
relax, for dreams or even to aid in childbirth. In love recipes
it is used lightly in combination with other ingredients unless
you just want a sexual affair. Jasmine is ruled by the Moon
and the element of Water. Jasmine is used in Love Potions,
Prosperity, Divination and Psychic Visionary Dreams.
Juniper berries: a
power herb which happens to work quite well in areas of luck,
good fortune and success. Legendarily associated with Jupiter,
it is often used for male virility. Juniper
Berries are an Aphrodisiac, they are used for inspiring Trust,
Love and Protection in your magickal works.
Lady's Mantel: It is sacred to Venus and Mary.
Lady's Mantle is ruled by Venus. Lady's Mantle has long been
used in Love Potions and Faery magic.
Lavender: cleanses,
protects and shields from bad vibrations and negativity. Used
for uncrossing and love, it's particularly effective in helping
with marital problems or relationships. Soothes problems
between parents and children and is an excellent protecting herb
for babies and children. Lavender is ruled by Mercury,
it's elemental allegiance is to Air. It is sacred to The Elves,
Hecate, Saturn, Goddesses affiliated with the snake, and Aradia.
Lavender is used for Love Spells. To use lavender in a spell
will render the spell. Lavender can be strewn around your Home
to bring about a Peaceful Atmosphere. to gain Happiness, to Ease
Depression and Sorrow, Clairvoyance, Dream work, raise your
Energy Vibration Level.
Lemon or Lemon blossoms:
fiery, zesty and active. Often employed as a catalyst in luck
recipes since it sets off other herbs. Also used for "drawing"
or "attracting" something to you. Often used in love formulas
both for attracting and repelling. The Lemon is ruled by the Moon
and the element of Water. It is used for Moon Magic, Love,
Friendship, Purification, and a Long Life.
Licorice: a commanding
herb. Used by the Egyptians as an aphrodisiac.
Lemon Verbena: a
traditional luck herb, it has the ability to convert bad luck to
good. It is positive, protective and cleansing. A
strengthening herb added to others to give extra power. Also
used as an "attraction" herb.
Lemon Grass: used to
aid psychic powers. A two-sided herb: on the one hand calming,
good for deepening meditation or trance. Excellent to add to a
general "Power" formula for general ritual work. On the other
hand it has been used by some as a hexing herb primarily aimed
at making someone's life complicated and full of problems. Go
Lilac: good for
inducing "far memory" and recalling past lives. Also good for
clairvoyance in general. Brings peace & harmony. Excellent for
uncrossing. Tends to promote the positive aspects in the herbs
it's combined with.
Lobelia: Like most of
the poisons, this expresses "hate" while other hexing herbs
express "anger, contempt or dislike". Results with herbs like
this one are always nasty, but never predictable.
Lotus: a common
additive to psychic incenses. Said to reach the highest realms
of mystical insight. Associated with Egyptian magic. The Lotus is Feminine and is
ruled by the Moon. It's element is Water. It is sacred to
Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, especially Isis. It is the symbol
of female purity. Among the gifts of the Lotus are those of
Prosperity and Spiritual Abundance. It aligns itself with the
Root and Heart Chakra.
Lily of the Valley:
used for calming and blessing.
Lime: To keep a lover
faithful. Used by men for attracting women. Has some "drawing"
or "attracting" abilities in other areas. Conversely, has also
been used to "sour" a relationship.
Lovage: an "Attracting"
herb. Used to draw customers to a place of business or to
attract others in general. The root acts as a catalyst to other
herbs while exerting a stabilizing influence at the same time.
An excellent love herb. The leaf is highly cleansing.
Lunaria: Lunaria Pods are also called
Honesty and Money Plant. They are ruled by the Moon and the
element of the Earth. Lunaria pods are used in Moon Magic,
Money Spells and to Repel Monsters.
Maidenhair Fern: Maidenhair Fern is
Feminine by nature. It is ruled by Venus and the element of
Water. It is sacred to Venus extending Beauty, Grace and Love to
it's user. Immerse the fern in water then keep it at your
bedside or on your person and you will find these attributes.
Mandrake Root: Mandrake is ruled by Mercury
and Saturn. It's elemental correspondence being Fire. It is
sacred to Aphrodite, Circe, Hecate, and Venus in Her Sexual
Aspect. Mandrake is used for Prosperity, Happiness, Love,
Exorcism, Travel, and Protection.
Marjoram: protective -
especially in matters of love. Often used in love and
friendship charms or for protecting the house. It is ruled by Mercury and the
element of Air. Marjoram is sacred to Aphrodite and Venus. It is
used for Love and Happiness.
Meadowsweet: Meadowsweet is Masculine by
nature. It is ruled by Jupiter and the element of Air. It is
sacred to the Druids and Aine the Queen of the Faeries. It
is used in Love spells, Divination, Strewn about the home to
keep Peace and Happiness for it Cheers the Heart.
Mimosa: a commanding
herb which also inspires courtesy in others. Use to anoint
purple candles. Used to bring prophetic dreams and in healing.
Mint: a common additive
to love incense - though I don't know why since it tends to
clear the head, not fog it. Spirits love the scent of mint and
a dish set out will tend to attract them. Used in prosperity
and money formulas. Also excellent for psychic matters and
Mistletoe: Although
used in many love recipes, it is really a commanding/compelling
herb. Used since ancient times for protection. It's planetary ruler is the Sun
and it's elemental correspondent that of Air. It is Masculine by
nature. It's sacred to the Druids, Venus, Freya, Baldur,
Oak King, Odin and Apollo. It is used in magic spells for
Protection, Fertility, Love, Health, and Exorcism.
Motherwort: a
protecting herb which works almost Too Well - indeed, rather
like a mother who will often protect you even against things you
don't want protecting from.
Mugwort: clairvoyance,
summoning spirits, manifestations, dreams and for consecrating
any items used in this manner. It is aligned with the planet
Venus. It is ruled by the Moon and the Earth. Mugwort is sacred
to Artemis, Diana and Isis. It is used in Scrying, Psychic
Divination, Astral Projection, Dreams, Clairvoyance, and to
Purify Magical Tools before use.
lends courage in difficult situations. Tends toward the
""somber side" often substituted for graveyard dust - often
used when a matter needs to be "laid to rest" . Mullein is ruled by Saturn and
the elements of Fire. It is sacred to Jupiter. Mullein is used
as protection from Sorcery.
Musk: (real musk is
illegal and unethical to use. A good synthetic may be used
instead) commanding and compelling, particularly in sexual
areas. Help for self confidence, assurance and strength.
Myrrh Nuggets: Myrrh is ruled by the Moon and
the element of Water. The resin is sacred to Demeter, Hecate,
Juno, Saturn, Isis and Mary. Myrrh Nuggets are usually
burnt in censors to Aid in Spirituality by Raising the
Vibrations of one's energy, for Purification, Transformation,
and Consecration of Sacred Space and Ritual Tools.
Myrtle: love,
fertility, protection and healing.
Nettle: They
are ruled by Mars and the element of Fire. They are sacred to Ra
and Helios. Nettles are used for Exorcism, mixed with Hyssop for
House Cleansing, Protection against Demons, and Evil Spells, Hex
Breaking and Hex Removing.
Nutmeg: It is ruled by Jupiter
and Mercury. It's elemental alliance being that of Fire. Nutmeg
is used for Prosperity, to induce Psychic Visions, Scrying,
Fidelity, Clairvoyance, Creams, and Wish Making.
Oak Gall: Oak Gals
are growths on the branches of Oak Trees caused by insects
boring underneath the bark. They are used to make Magical Ink.
Oak Leaves: It is
ruled by the Sun, while it's elemental ruler is Fire. In
Roman myths the Oak Tree is sacred to Jupiter. The Greeks
believed it sacred to Zeus, father of the Gods. In Norse
Mythology it was sacred to Thronged of Thunder and Lightening,
as it was to Donar. Magickal properties include strength,
prosperity, abundance, creativity, wisdom, knowledge and
Oak moss: a power herb
which belongs to Jupiter. Oak Moss is ruled by the Sun,
Moon and Jupiter. It's elemental correspondences are Water,
Fire, and Earth. It is sacred to Jupiter, Woodland Gods, Thor,
Jehovah, Mars, Morrigan and The Triple Goddess. Oak Moss
is used in Faery Magick for Protection, Stuffing poppets, Luck,
Potency, and in Money Drawing spells.
Orange or Orange Blossoms:
attracting, drawing, used to bring things to you or into your
life. Works better than lemon or lime in this sense, The
blossoms especially are used in attracting love. They are ruled by the Sun and
the element of Fire. Oranges are used for Love, Divination,
Warmth, Harmony, Joy, Prosperity, and Beauty.
Orchids Wild: They are ruled by Venus and the
element of Water. The Orchid is Androgynous in sexual nature
there fore they are used to balance the Male and Female
energies. They are used in Love or Desire Spells. They aid in
Psychic Powers.
Orris Root: a focusing herb,
used to focus the power of other herbs it is combined with.
Also used as a "love herb". It is ruled by Venus with it's
elemental correspondence being Water. It is sacred to Iris,
Osiris, Isis, Aphrodite, Juno and The Triple Goddess. The Orris
Root Powder is used for Love Spells and Attraction between two
Pansy: The
Pansy is ruled by Saturn and the element of Water and is
Feminine in nature. It is sacred to the Triple Goddess. The
Pansy will Draw Love when carried. It is used for Love and
Divination Magic, has the power to Mend a Broken Heart.
Patchouli: an herb of
power and manifestation, for materializing one's wishes. Its
job is to make things happen, to bring results "down to earth"
quickly and powerfully. Used for lust or sensuality rather than
love. It has no conscience of it's own so combine carefully
with other herbs. Often added to money formulas. It is ruled by Saturn and
Venus. It's elemental correspondence is the Earth. Patchouli is
sacred to Gaia, Saturn, and Pan. It is used for Lust, Fertility,
Prosperity, and Divination. Patchouli and Mullein are commonly
substituted for Graveyard Dust in Spells where the real thing is
not obtainable.
Pennyroyal: Cleanses
and protects. Brings harmony and is helpful in times of
domestic unrest. It is ruled by both Venus and
Mars. It's elemental correspondences are Earth and Fire. It is
sacred to Demeter. Pennyroyal is used for Protection,
Banishment, Ridding the Home of Negative Thoughts, Strength, and
Peony: The Peony is ruled by the Sun
and the element of Fire. It is Masculine in nature. Peony
Flowers keep away evil spirits.
Peppermint: use to
create change and get things moving. It
is ruled by Venus and the element of Water. It is sacred to
Mercury. Peppermint is used for Clarity and Purification. Add to
poppet stuffing for Love and Healing Magic. Add it to incense
for Cleansing Space before Ritual or in the Home, Money spells,
Prosperity, and Gives Power to thoughts.
Periwinkle: Known as the Sorcerer's Herb.
It is ruled by Venus and the element of Water. Periwinkle is
used for Love, Lust, Protection, Money, and Powers of Magical
Pine Needles: excellent for
cleansing and uncrossing, protecting or refocusing. Energizing
and grounding at the same time. It is ruled by Mars and the
element of Air. It is sacred to Bacchus, Artemis, Diana, Neptune
and Venus. Used in Rituals of Feminine Fertility, Childbirth,
and Moon Magick. The magickal attributes of the Pine Tree as
those of Prosperity, Cleansing, Fertility, Protection, Healing,
Exorcism, Strength, and Rejuvenation.
Pomegranate: It is sacred to Adonis,
Persephone and Ceres. Pomegranates are use for Divination, Luck,
Wishes, Wealth, and Fertility.
Poppy Seeds: for dreams,
visions clairvoyance and dark moon activities. Also used for
fertility and prosperity. It is ruled by the Moon. It's
element being Water. The Poppy is sacred to Venus. The Poppy is
used in Love, Lust, Desire, and Faery Magick.
Primrose: Primrose
is ruled by Venus and the elements of Air and Earth. They are
sacred to the Druids, The Goddess, Freya, and The Muse.
The Primrose makes that which is invisible able to be seen.
Scattering it on the ground in front of the doorway creates a
barrier they are unable to cross over.
Queen of the
Meadow: helps create new opportunities. This is not the same plant as
Meadowsweet. Queen of the Meadow is used in magic for Love and
Rose: love. What you
mix with it determines the kind of love. The Rose is ruled by Venus and
it's elemental correspondence is Water. It is sacred to Aurora,
Adonis, Aphrodite, Venus, Cupid, Demeter, Eros, Isis, and
Hathor. Roses are used for Love, Psychic Dreams, Faery Magic,
Beauty, Divination, Psychic Powers, Healing, Promotes Devotion,
Desire, and Marriage.
Rose Geranium: powerful
protection and subtly commanding. Reverses misfortune and can
be used with other herbs to bless a new home.
Rose Hips: Rose
Hips are ruled by Venus. They are sacred to Aphrodite and Venus.
Rose Hips are used in Love and Faery Magic
Rosemary: binds things
(or people) together in a loving, gentle manner. Used in pillows
for dreams and visions. Also used for purification and
protection, mental alertness and stronger memory. Often used in
sea rituals. It is ruled by the Sun
and the element of Fire. Rosemary is Masculine by nature. It is
sacred to the Elves, and Sea Spirits. Rosemary Leaves are used
for Cleansing, Purification, Clear Thinking, Good Memory, Love,
Lust, Sleep, Exorcism, Friendship, Fidelity, and Youth.
Rowan: It is ruled by the Earth
and Sun. It's element is Fire. The Rowan Tree is sacred to
Aphrodite, Capricorn, Brigid, The White Goddess, Druidic
Deities, Thor, Donar, Vulcan, The Dark Goddess and The Crone
Aspect of Mother Earth. Rowan is a tree of Protection, it Halts
Haunting, and is known for it's Healing properties. It will
provide Personal Protection from Psychic Assault of Others
Against You. It will, as well, protect one from being carried
across to the Faery Realm against their free will.
Rue: highly
protective. Guards against negative energies and gets things
moving in a positive direction. Often used in consecration
rituals. It is ruled by the Sun and the
element of Fire. It is sacred to Aradia, Pan, Diana, Hecate, and
The Goddess. Rue is used for Seeing Mistakes, Banishment,
Correction Bad Habits, Curse Breaking, Reversing Magic sent at
you, Protection Against the Evil Eye, Luck, and Freedom.
Sage: It is ruled
by the planets of Jupiter and Saturn. It's elemental
correspondences are those of both Air and Earth. Sage is
Masculine by nature. Used for Wisdom, Cleansing, Animal
Familiars, Longevity, Prosperity, and in Faery Magic to attract
and communicate with the Faeries. In many magical traditions
Sage is the choice plant for Smudging and cleansing the aura
before spiritual workings.
used to heighten spiritual vibrations, to cleanse, heal and
protect. Often used to stimulate clairvoyance. It is ruled by the Moon and the
Sun as well as the element of Water. It is sacred to the Goddess
Venus. It's attributes include Spirituality, Healing, Higher
States of Consciousness, Cleansing, Awakening Intelligence,
Opening the Third Eye, Promotes Meditation, and Transmutes
Sexual Energy. When mixed with Lavender and burnt during a
Waning Moon, it aids in the calling of Spirits.
Sassafras: Commanding
and twisting. Used to free you of another's power over you or
in legal battles for a favorable outcome.
Sea Salt: Purification, Cleansing,
Washing or Grounding Crystals and Magical Tools, Creating Sacred
Space, Breaking Curses.
Slippery Elm: a highly
focused protection herb, especially effective at controlling
gossip or slander.
Solomon's Seal: an
uncrossing herb associated with luck and wisdom. Brings hunches,
intuition and dreams. Solomon's Seal Root is
ruled by Saturn and the element of Water. It is used for
Protection, Exorcism, Wisdom, Spirituality, Home Protection, and
Clears the Aura. It is said to bear a Hexagram Marking on it's
bark thus Warding off Evil, and is burnt as an Offering to the
Elements for Magical Aid.
Star Anise: It is
ruled by Jupiter, the Moon, and the element of Air. They are
sacred to Apollo, Hermes, Mercury, and Ra. They are used
for Consecration, Banishing Negative Energy, Luck, and Psychic
St. John's Wort:
St. John's Wort is sacred to Baldur and The Goddess. It is ruled
by the Sun and the element Fire. It is considered the most
potent of herbs, when burnt, for driving away demons and evil
Strawberry: used
(sparingly) to draw fortunate circumstances into one's life.
Sweet Annie: Sweet
Annie is also known as Sweet Wormwood and Fragrant Fern. It is
in the same family as Wormwood. Sweet Annie is ruled by Mercury.
It is used in Smudging to Drive away Negative Spirits and
Thoughts, to Keep negative energies at bay, and for Astral
projection. It is Associated with Midsummer Night. Burn Sweet
Annie on your Mid Summer Night's Fire to bring Positive
Vibrations into the year to come.
Sweet pea: an
attraction herb used to draw friends or lovers, loyalty and
affection. The Strawberry is ruled by Venus and the
element of Water. It is sacred to Venus and Freya. Strawberries
are used in love and lust spells.
Sweet Woodruff: Sweet
Woodruff is named Master of the Woods, May Grass, Wood Rove, and
Herb Walter. It is ruled by Mars and the element of Fire. It is
sacred to the Druids. It offers the gifts of Humility, Victory,
Protection, Prosperity, Consecration, Release, Renewal and Faery
Tansy: It is ruled
by Venus and the element of Water. Tansy is useful for Longevity
and Health magic. Tansy assists the deceased in travel into the
After Life thus is used for Death and Dying Rituals.
Thistles: They are
sacred to Thor and Minerva. The Thistle is ruled by Mars and the
element of Fire. Thistle is Masculine by nature. The
Thistle Down, or soft silk like threads inside the flower,
offers the gifts of Invisibility from Enemies, Strengthens
Spirits, Renews Vitality, for Strength, Protection, Hex
Breaking, Healing, and Purification. Thistle Thornes are
used in Witch Bottles for protection.
Thorne Tree Thorns:
The Thorne is ruled by Mars and the element of Fire. The Thorne
tree is used for Magical Protection. The Thorne Tree is sacred
to the Flora and the Goddess Flora, the companion and Guardian
of the Faeries. Thornes are used in Witches Bottles and Candle
Scribing, and as needles for Magical Sewing.
Thyme: a favorite with
the spirits, it encourages positive vibrations and actions.
Used for protection (especially from the negative energy of
others), for courage and for cleansing. Thyme is
ruled by Venus and Water. Thyme is Feminine by nature. It also
offers Courage, Purification, Giddiness, in Faery Magic, and
keeps away Nightmares.
Tonka bean: combination
of commanding and catalyst, often used for love or prosperity.
Just plain lucky! Protects against poverty. They are ruled
by Venus and the element of Water. Tonka Beans are used
magically for Luck, Prosperity, Courage, and Wishes.
Tumeric: Tumeric
is sacred to the Divine Mother. It brings Prosperity, and gives
Energy to Divine Mother.
Valerian Root: It
is ruled by Venus, Pluto, and Mercury. It's elemental
correspondence are those of Water and Earth. Valerian is used
for Love, Mending Disturbed Relationships, Sleep, Protection
Baths, Dream Magic, Love, Wishes, Protection from Evil, and
Libidinous Faeries.
Vanilla: a compelling
herb, used in areas of love and money especially. In love, it
acts on a more physical level - lowering the guard, lulling the
senses and subtly seducing.
Vervain: It is
ruled by Venus and the Earth. It corresponds to the element of
Air. Vervain is sacred to Aphrodite, Aradia, Artemis, Cerridwen,
Hecate, Hermes, Innana, Isis, Juno, Jupiter, Kali, Mars, Thor,
Venus, and Zeus. It may be used in Love, Prosperity,
Purification, Protection, Preventing Nightmares, Creativity,
Inspiration, Healing, and works for Peace. It attracts well
meaning Faeries.
Vetivert: Excellent for
uncrossing, protecting, cleansing and then refocusing.
Technically a power herb, it may be used to strengthen hexing
formulas but its greatest ability is in Un-hexing. Powerful and
efficient. It is ruled by Venus and the elements of both
Earth and Air. It is sacred to Pan and Aphrodite. Vetivert is
used for Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Peace, Exorcism, and
for truth. Guards against deception and creates an atmosphere
of trust and honesty. Violets are Feminine in nature. They
are ruled by Venus and the element of Water. They are sacred to Venus. The Violet is used in Love Spells, for Sleep, Peace,
Transformation, Modesty, Honesty, Healing, and Dream work.
Walnut Leaves:
Walnut Leaves are used specifically in Breaking Spells.
Willow Bark and Leaves: It
is sacred to Hecate, Ceres, Persephone, The Triple Muse,
Mercury, Minerva, Artemis, Mercury, Hecate, Moon Goddesses,
Helices, and the Triple Goddess in all Her Dark Aspects. It is
ruled by the Moon and the element of Water. Used for Lunar
Magic, Love Spells, Mourning, Chastity, Fertility, Purification,
and Faery Magic. Willow Leaves have been used to make a
tea to Cleanse Magical Space.
Witch Balls: Also
known as Sweet Gum Balls. It is ruled by the Sun and the
element of Fire. Used for Protective Magic, Witches Bottles, and
to Reflect Magic away from you.
Wood Betony: Wood
Betony is Masculine by nature. It is ruled by Jupiter and the
element of Fire. Add to Midsummer Fire for purification and
protection of the home and family in the coming year. Wood
Betony Expels Nightmares and Evil Spirits.
Woodruff Powder:
It is ruled by Mars and the element of Fire. It is sacred to the
Druids. It offers the gifts of Humility, Victory, Protection,
Prosperity, Consecration, Release, Renewal and Faery Blessings.
Wood Sorrel: Wood
Sorrel is ruled by Venus. Wood sorrel is used in Faery magic,
and for the evocation of Elves.
Wormwood: It is
sacred to Iris, Isis, Artemis, Diana, Chiron the Centaur, and
Innana. It is ruled by the Moon and Mars. The element of
correspondence is Fire. Wormwood will offer Psychic Powers,
Protection, Breaks Spells and Reverses Curses or Hexes, Call
Spirits, aid in Animal Magic, Love Charms, and Transformation.
Yarrow Flowers: Yarrow
is sacred to Achilles and the Horned Gods. It is ruled by Venus
and both Earth and Water. It is Feminine by nature. Yarrow will
bring a Happy Marriage and is used in Hand Fasting Ceremonies.
Use Yarrow for Love, Courage, Psychic Powers, Exorcism, and
Yew Needles: The
Yew Tree is ruled by Saturn. It's elemental correspondence being
that of Water. It is sacred to Saturn and Hecate. Yew
Enhances Magical and Psychic Abilities.
can use herbs and spices to add meaning to your spell
- You can throw them in the cauldron and burn them
up with something.
- You can dust objects with them for meaning.
- You can roll them into candles.
- You can even put most of them on your food or in
your drinks.
- You can put them in amulets or charms.
- You can put them herbs in little bags and hang
them to bless areas of the house.
- You can mix them with loose incense.
- You can toss them into the appropriate winds and
make a wish.
- You can grow your own of the herbs that you use
the most and charge
- them by chanting or blessing them while they grow.
- You can combine them with each other or other
symbols; such as inscribing
- a rune for happiness on a candle and rubbing it
with cinnamon for happy dreams.
- Herb Enchantment
When using herbs in magick,
you should “enchant” them before you use them. Match an herb
with your need and touch or run your fingers along or
through the herb, thinking of your need and perhaps chanting
it. Send your energy from your power hand into the herb, and
when you can sense that the herb is infused with and aligned
with its purpose, your herb is enchanted.
- Sachets
- You can use herbs to
place in sachets, which are pieces of cloth tied with yarn
or ribbon. Choose an herb that matches your need or
wishes, fill a piece of gauzy cloth, add trinkets, nuts,
charms, or oils as appropriate, and tie it up with an
appropriate ribbon color while visualizing the charm’s
- Poppets
- A poppet is useful when
magick has to be attached to a person. Simply make the
outline of a person on cloth, fold it over, cut out two
person outlines, and stitch them together to make a
person-pillow. Leave one end open so that herbs can be
stuffed inside. Use enchanted herbs that match the need
(such as love or health) that you’d like to fill the
person or yourself, and then stitch it closed. Use it in a
ritual on your altar with candles to infuse the person
with the met need. When it has worked, pull the poppet
apart and bury the pieces.
- Infusing
- You can make potions of
herbs by boiling water, then pouring it over the herb and
letting it soak covered for a while. Use one teaspoon of
herb for every cup of water, and don’t use metal pots in
any part of the process! Use the product of the process to
drink as teas, use as additions to bath water, or rub on
the body.
Use your imagination and
you will come up with some great ways to use these herbs and
spices. Please
remember to research all herbal properties before use as some
herbs and woods have poisonous properties. If you
are pregnant, please take extra precautions before handling
any herbs.
All Natural Items should be Treated with Respect for their
Powers and Attributes. They
should NOT BE INGESTED for any reason.
Before beginning Magickal Workings with any Herbs, Resins or
Natural Items,
it is your responsibility to research and know what you are
working with.
Remember to also keep all your magickal tools, Herbs, and
Other Dangerous Items
out of the reach of children, pets and those who are less
or responsible than yourself.